A New and Comprehensive

Vocabulary of the Flash Language


1 to gamble with cards or dice , etc
Or to toss up.
2 a country fair
3 a meeting of gamblers for the purpose of play
4 any public place of amusement
When spoken of in flash company who know to what it alludes.
a fowl
a soldier
every particular branch of depredation practised by the family
As in What game do you go upon?
One species of robbery or fraud is said to be a good game another a queer game, etc.
1 flattery , deceit , pretence , plausible language
Any assertion which is not strictly true, or professions believed to be insincere as in:-
I believe you're gammoning or That's all gammon.
Meaning:- You are no doubt jesting with me or That's all a farce.
2 to gammon a person
To amuse him with false assurances, to praise or flatter him in order to obtain some particular end
3 to gammon a man to any act
Is to persuade him to it by artful language or pretence.
4 to gammon a shop-keeper , etc
Is to engage his attention to your discourse while your accomplice is executing some preconcerted plan of depredation upon his property.
5 gammoning story
A thief detected in a house which he has entered upon the sneak for the purpose of robbing it will endeavour to account for his intrusion and to get off with a good grace.
6 prime gammoner
A man who is ready at invention and has always a flow of plausible language on these occasions.
7 to gammon lushy or queer
Is to pretend drunkenness or sickness for some private end.
gammon the twelve
one who has induced a jury to acquit him
A man who has been tried by a criminal court and by a plausible defence has induced the jury to acquit him, or to banish the capital part of the charge and so save his life, is said by his associates to have
Gammoned the twelve in prime twig
alluding to the number of jurymen.
the legs
To have queer gams is to be bandy-legged or otherwise deformed.
a small sum of money
Extracted from a ‘new chum’ on his entering a jail by his fellow-prisoners, which affords them a treat of beer, gin, etc.
defrauding someone with whom you are confidentially connected
To put a person in the garden, in the hole, in the bucket, or in the well, are synonymous phrases, signifying to defraud him of his due share of the booty by embezzling a part of the property or the money it is fenced for.
This phrase also applies generally to defrauding anyone with whom you are confidentially connected of what is justly his due.
the fob-pocket
a quartern-loaf
similar to cove , gloak , or gory
A word used by way of variation, but generally coupled to some other descriptive term, such as flash-gill, or toby-gill, etc.


give it to
1 to rob or defraud any place or person
I gave it to him for his reader.
‘I robb'd him of his pocket-book’
What suit did you give it them upon?
‘In what manner or by what means did you effect your purpose?’
2 to impose upon a person's credulity
By telling him a string of falsehoods or to take any unfair advantage of another's inadvertence or unsuspecting temper, on any occasion.
In either case, the party at last dropping down, that is detecting your imposition, will say:
I believe you have been giving it to me nicely all this while .


a glass-window
a candle or other light
a candlestick
synonymous with gill
splitting or nosing upon a person
A man guilty of this treachery is called a gnarling scoundrel, etc.


a simple easy person
One who suffers himself to be made a tool of and is readily persuaded to any act or undertaking by his associates, who inwardly laugh at his folly and ridicule him behind his back.
go out
to follow the profession of thieving
Two or more persons who usually rob in company are said to
Go out together.
a place or person which promises to be easily robbed
As in, that house is good upon the crack, this shop is good upon the star, the swell is good for his montra, etc.
A man who declares himself good for any favour or thing means that he has sufficient influence or possesses the certain means to obtain it.
Good as bread or Good as cheese
are merely emphatical phrases to the same effect.
See caz for more information.
synonymous with cove , gill , or gloak
Like them, commonly used in the descriptive.
See flat and swell for more information.


to seize , apprehend , take in custody
To make a grab at anything is to snatch suddenly, as at a gentleman's watch-chain, etc.
taken , apprehended
a half-penny or other coin having two heads or two tails
Fabricated for the use of gamblers who by such a deception frequently win large sums.
half-pence or copper coin , in a collective sense
victuals of any kind
To grub a person is to diet him, or find him in victuals.
To grub well is to eat with an appetite.
a view , look , observation , or taking notice
As in: There is a strong gun at us, meaning ‘We are strictly observed’.
To gun anything is to look at or examine it.